how I use GTD

How I use GTD…

… and feel that I am doing the right stuff at the right time

by Vojtech polasek

February 2024

In this talk:

Note: This presentation is certainly a bit opinionated and subjective. I am outlining MY experience, MY motivations, MY outcomes. With the hope that it will help YOU!

Why task management?

Lightning fast introduction to GTD

GTD process

  1. Collect

  2. Process

  3. Organize

  4. Plan

  5. Do

A bit of terminology

How I get things done - layout

How I get things done - Collecting phase

satisfaction: “Ah, I have to do this… wait… I already wrote it down, let it go, I will get to it later and I know I will.”

How I get things done - processing and organizing phase

Satisfaction: “I love empty inboxes!”

How I get things done - Weekly review

Satisfaction: “My task list is actually smaller after the review.”

How I get things done - daily review

How I get things done - doing

Tools - task list

(<priority>) <task text> +<project> @<context> due:<due date> t:<start date>
1    (B) create slides for the presentation @computer +dolq124
2    (A) review our daily productization @computer due:2024-02-27
3    (B) send reward points @computer t:2024-03-01
4    (C) watch the video I downloaded @offline

Tools - knowledge management and syncing

Some small tips


Thank you for your attention.
